Monday, June 8, 2020


Method acting is a famous acting technique that requires one to deeply embody their character. Learning how to method act requires a commitment to the process and a consistent practice schedule. However, the more you spend time practicing skills and techniques, the quicker you will be able to be in character and the better you will be able to perform. There are many resources and exercises that can help you achieve your desired level of method acting. 

Part 1 of 3:
Finding Resources

Enroll in a method acting institution. Enrolling in an institution that specializes in method acting will provide you with classes, resources, and information about the history and techniques of method acting. Most programs also offer hands-on experience through class led performances as well as school wide performances. Another benefit of enrolling in a method acting program is the community of others who share similar interests, which can lead to further developments in your acting.


Take acting classes. There are many local classes available that do not require you to be enrolled in an acting school. Classes that are not institutionally associated can also have a wide variety of skill levels and interests creating a more diverse environment. Taking classes will allow you to get more professional advice and information about method acting without having to manage going to school while having other obligations.
Connect with your local theater community. Your local theater community can be another useful resource for learning and discussing method acting and its techniques. Local theater communities are often made of individuals who are not professional actors and are still learning new skills and techniques.

Part 2 pf 3    

Start with relaxation. Relaxation is the key principle of method acting, which allows you to fully enter your role and perform to the best of your ability. Spend time relaxing before trying any exercises or acting scenes. Try to relax each part of your body individually at slow increments. The more relaxed you are the more you will be able to employ the techniques of method acting.

Use sense memory and concentration. Sense memory is the practice of trying to tap into memories of your senses: sight, smell, sound, touch, and taste. Try thinking of a memory and concentrating on the different sensory experiences of that memory. One popular exercise that has to do with using sense memory is called the “personal object exercise,” which has the student explore an object that has personal significance to them with each one of their senses.

Think about your own emotional memories. This exercise is generally for more experienced method actors as it can often be triggering or overwhelming. The purpose of thinking about your own personal emotional memories is to use your sense memory to be able to explore a personal memory and use that emotion in another character. For example, if the character you are trying to play has experienced loss, you would think about a memory in which you experienced loss and explore it using all of your senses.

Try and embody your subject. Embodying your subject, or characterization, is the practice of imagining yourself as someone or something else. Spend time observing your subject and how they engage with their surroundings before you begin this exercise. After observing your subject use your sense memory to begin to explore your environment in the ways your subject would.

Play games that use method acting techniques. There are many games that employ the techniques required to successfully perform method acting. Games that use method acting techniques will allow you to externalize the skills the techniques are aiming to teach you. Try playing a game at the end of each practicing session to try out new skills and refine old ones.

Part 3 of 3:
Using Your Skills

Use sense memory exercises to better understand your character. Sense memory exercises will help you recreate and inhabit emotional spaces that can comprehensively account for all of the senses. When you know who or what your character is, like a recently divorced husband, a little girl on her fourth birthday, or a werewolf, use sense memory exercise to better understand that characters’ environment.

Think about your own emotional memories to perform realistically. Use your own emotional memories during your performances to deliver more realistic responses and reactions. It can seem contradictory to use your own memories when trying to stay in character, but the goal of this exercise and tool is to use your own memories while you are in character. The more you use your own emotional memories in sense memory exercises the easier it will be to conjure these emotions up during performances.

Embody your character. Embodying your character while they are moving around set, doing gestures, or using mannerisms while speaking will give your character a comprehensive realism. Embodying your character will help even the most minor and peripheral movements and postures reflect the realist emotion and performance possible.
  • 4
    Remember to stay relaxed. Remember to practice your relaxation exercises before any exercises or performances. Relaxation is fundamental to method acting and these emotional states cannot be realized without relaxation. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time to relax before exercises or performances, like 1-2 hours.

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